Vospers, Woolston

Food, lifestyle, Personal, review, Uncategorized


Last night I got to go along to the new Vospers in Woolston, as part of the new Watermark with the Southampton Bloggers.

They invited us to have a cocktail master class and try some of there fabulous burgers! I can safely say my eyes were bigger than my belly!



The evening was filled with laughter and good food!

When we got to Vospers we were greeted with smiling faces and there was a great atmosphere already in the restaurant. There was a lovely big table set up for us with a bar at the end where we could go up and have a crack at making some cocktails from their menu, starting with ‘The last word’.

They were excellent in getting us up and involved to show us everything we needed to know about the drinks, and they were really tasty…and strong!

Now onto the main event…the food! The burgers were really quick to come out, especially with there being such a big group of us and they had a birthday party in, so I was really impressed. One big shout out goes to the sweet potato fries! Now I am a big fan of sweet potato and I can confirm these were some of the best I’ve has in while! I was really impressed with the food and the service on the evening.


One thing I really liked was the decor and the feel of the entire restaurant. It was so cosy and filled with bits and pieces that made the whole place feel unique and personal. They had pictures all around of the people that worked in the old Vospers factory which really added to the atmosphere.

The bar and kitchen was all open so you could see the food and drink being prepared, which I love as you can see what is happening with your order. The design of the whole place has been really thought out and ties together really well.

I already can’t wait to go back! I would highly recommend Vospers if you are after a lush burger and a stiff cocktail!

Grace x


Essjee Mircomeso Facial

Advice, Beauty, lifestyle, Personal, review, Uncategorized, women

On the 13.07.2017 I got to go along to an even in Salisbury to look at a great facial treatment called ‘Mircomeso Facial’.

We got to watch the treatment, which uses mirco needles to gently penetrate the surface of the skin to trigger the bodies process of wound healing. It essentially a way of helping your body create natural, healthy collagen, which we all love a bit of!

The treatment has loads of benefits too!

  • Helps improve skin tone and promote a ‘healthy glow’
  • Elasticity and firmness can be regained
  • Skin can appear lifted and rejuvenated
  • Open/ large pores can be reduced

Just to name a few!

Myself and Brighteyeblog were invited along to an evening to see the treatment and learn a little more about what its all about, with the added joy of a bit of prosecco and nibbles! Sarah, who conducted the treatment was fabulous with telling us all we needed to know, answer our questions and really welcomed us. It was a fab opportunity to see this new treatment that is so organic and natural, it just uses what you already have! With all these new beauty trends and expectations it was a really interesting evening to hear all about something that is really starting to take off.

I have never seen or heard of anything about this kind of treatment but seeing a couple of the girls who had it done, I can say I could really see a difference!

What happens in the facial:

It starts with an in depth consultation, which is so important when it comes to things a little medical just to be safe! From there the skin is cleansed and inspected to then be disinfected.  The microneedling then takes place, products are applied and then aftercare is advised.

Speaking to the model that had it done, all she could say was how clean and fresh her face felt after. That is one of my favorite feelings; when you take your make up off, cleanse and moisturize and that feeling of a clean face!

If you were ever thinking about a facial treatment this is certainly one I would recommend and a safe alternative to all these dermarollers on social media! It does take a few treatments to see a difference so if its for you then you’ll have to be committed!

If it sounds like you type of thing contact Sarah at Essjee on 07753226566 or email sarah@sarah-gibb.com you can also check her work out on Instagram as she also does permanent make up! @sarahgibbpmu


Grace x

Rogues Cafe! <3

Beauty, Food, lifestyle, Personal, review, Uncategorized


The new Rogues Cafe has opened in Southampton, next to the Guildhall! It is a fab location and so lush inside!

I went along to a lovely evening that the owners had set up with Southampton Bloggers to try their menu and experience the quirky and cool new restaurant.  Firstly I need to express how friendly and purely passionate the owners are about this fab new opening! It really makes a world of different to a place like this when the owners love what they are doing!

The interior was really cool and a real mix mash vibe, which I love in independent places.

It felt really cosy inside and it made us all feel very relaxed, and they have a dog! Now I am a huge dog person so for me this was a game changer! He was so friendly and extremely well behaved, but it gave the cafe a lovely family feel and became really personal!

Dog menu

They are so reasonable priced with food, soft drinks and alcohol (and they have 2 for 1 on Fridays on ALL DRINKS!).


The food was amazing! One thing they pride themselves on is that all the food is locally sourced!

Everything they brought out was so thought out and simply delicious. It is a perfect place for a light brunch, lunch or dinner with such a varied menu to accommodate the customers.

The menu is even personal, let alone massive! They have made it so different and personal keeping all their notes and details from when they planned what they wanted.


If I can recommend one place to head to this summer it is 100% Roges Cafe! a lovely place with incredible food and atmosphere, I cannot wait to head back.


Grace x

What feminism is to me…

Beauty, feminism, lifestyle, Personal, Uncategorized, women

This is my first post of this kind so I hope it’s alright! I want to put it the best way I can, so even though my writing may not be too great I hope to get what I mean across well 🙂

I never knew what feminism was, never thought about it and never really understood it. I think this goes for a lot of people, as there are so many different views and takes on feminism so it can all get a bit confusing! I think this is another reason I don’t want to be called a feminist because there are so many variations and connotations of the word! The thing is, I do believe I am one purely because of the way I view feminism. I just think being called a feminist can become a bit blurred because of everyone’s different takes on the subject. I’m not saying anyone’s view on this is wrong, this is just mine.

I first really began to understand what my thoughts on feminism were when I had to look into it for a university project…

I was placed into a group to create our own theatre company, we had to have an aim and an area of interest. Two of the girls suggest that we become a feminist theatre company as the dynamic of the group would make it very interesting (5 girls and 1 boy) therefore we could make some hard hitting thoughtful theatre. I am all for hard hitting theatre with a purpose but at the time I found the idea quite off putting. My first response, which now I find to be such an ignorant statement was “as long as it’s not all man hating”. If I heard someone say that now I would be the one rolling my eyes.

Luckily the girls I worked with understood where I was coming from because it is a view that so many people have on feminism, I mean I was one of them and it’s because I didn’t understand it. The pieces we began to work on were based about equality for men and women, yes men and women. We looked into subjects which effect both sexes and in some cases yes there is a big difference.

I can see why some people think feminism is all for women but it only seems this way because women are fighting for some notable equalities, such as pay and sexual assault. This doesn’t mean men do not suffer the same discrimination. Like I said for me feminism is equality for both sexes.

Now I’m not the type of person to shove this down peoples throats as it what I think not what others have too (I hope this isn’t too heavy a read). I just think that men and women should have equality, even things simple as a woman not being called a slut for wearing the clothing she likes, or a man being called a wimp for enjoying more so called ‘feminine’ things.

I just think people should be allowed to do what they want, live the way they want to with out so much judgement. Is that so much to want?

I can’t see equality as a bad thing, and I find it so bizarre that the word ‘feminist’ almost seems dirty to some people. Like I said there are many differny types of feminism and people have their own beliefs within it, but overall it does come back to equality in my eyes.

It’s not a bad thing to be a feminist and people shouldn’t feel bad to be one. I think it is a good thing to strive for and eventually I want there to be equality.

I find if quite funny sometimes when people ask me how I can be a feminist.

Now, I think this comes back down to people’s differny views and takes on feminism. I love make up and fashion and I enjoy making myself look and ultimately feel good. Some people see this as a weakness I suppose, because  as a woman I should be empowered and love the way I look…well I do, I mean we all have insecurities but I’m not ashamed of myself. The reason I wear make up and slightly change my appearance is because I enjoy it. I like buying make up and clothes and I do it for no one else but myself. This has nothing to do with me not being empowered in my own skin in actual fact I just simply want to do something I take enjoyment in.

I just think overal there should be mutual respect for men and women because we are all equal and that’s the way it should be. I remember I was criticised once for asking a man to open something for me. Now most of the time I really strive to be independent and ultimately I think I am or at least getting there, but in this case I just needed help from someone and it turned out to be a man. I think this is read into much to much sometimes, we can all help one another and be polite and it does not have to be sexist. I am a feminist but if a man opens a door for me he is being polite not misogynistic.

I hope I haven’t offended anyone,but I just wanted this to be a little insight to myself. I hope it was an enjoyable read and not too heavy!

Keep doing things that make you happy 🙂

Don’t let things get in your way 

Advice, Beauty, Film, Food, lifestyle, Personal, Uncategorized

We all have our ups and downs, we all share the moments that make us feel as if we’re the only ones feeling this way. But you are not feeling it alone.

Everyone has baggage and everyone has those days where it feels a little heavier than it did before, it’s normal and there are ways to get passed it.

I understand that everyone has different things going on, and I am not the perfect spoke person but I have found that little things can help me through bad days.

I left university not too long ago and moving home and leaving some amazing people put me in a very weird place, as I think it does for a lot of people.

The situation made me feel things I hadn’t experienced before but I have little tricks that help bring me up. I hope this post can help others who are maybe feeling a little less than themselves lately.

  • Keep Yourself Busy 

I found that I was feeling my worst when I was just working and heading home. I would find myself in my room and end up feeling, to be quite honest like crap. I would sit upstairs watching Netflix, which not only isolated me but began to make me feel very tired and lethargic, which obviously lead me to not exactly liking the way I was.

I think it is the same for a lot of people, when your are alone it is an excuse to start thinking about things and start looking back with a shall we say, a less than positive outlook. I would think about university and look back at what I had, but rather than look back and remember, I was looking back and wishing I was there and not here. This is not the way to look at your memories, you should look back and smile.

I found that as soon as I began planning things, after work or even for the weekend meant I had things to look forward to and get me out of habit. I began to push myself to arrange things and ensure I was enjoying myself. For me, friends make me the happiest, therefore I took that knowledge and put it into practice. I arranged a plan to see my friends who are furthest away to meet in the summer and sort little plans with the friends who are close. I even took up some hobbies and have started helping other people out!

I love drama and I have started helping out some student with student films and modelling for photography and make up students. It’s really different, breaks up my day and I actually really enjoy it!

Find things you enjoy, whether its something as simple as watching TV with your family or heading out to dinner with friends, you’d be surprised the difference it makes!

  • Stop Comparing Yourself To Others! 

I know it is so much easier said than done, and I can say I am always doing this even when I know I shouldn’t!

It is so easy to start looking at other people and wonder why you are not doing as well and it is mainly on social media! I find myself looking at pages of people I know and even that I don’t and have the thought they are doing better than me and maybe I should be doing something different. DON’T.

Nothing is what is seems online and everyone has things going on that you may not see! It is very easy to push your problems onto other things and make yourself feel as if you are not as good as someone else, but they are probably thinking the exact same thing looking at someone else, or even YOU!

Everyone has things they don’t like or feel like they cannot do something, but comparing yourself to others is never going to help. Look at yourself and think what you could do to improve the way you feel, as everyone is different and you shouldn’t try to be something or someone you’re not.

  • Try Not To Second Guess Yourself 

Again, this is something very easy to say and much harder to do, but it can make a huge difference.

I am not saying that you will never second guess your choices because this is human nature! Also of course you will second guess sometimes as not all choices will be good ones but that happens to everyone, we all make mistakes.

What I mean is,  stick with your decisions, if you think its right then go for it. Yes it may come back to bite you in the ass but you will have committed to something and imagine all the time you could save not worrying about what to do next. We all have responsibilities but try and take each day as it comes and the choices you make at that time.

I always worry about how my choices effect people, which isn’t a bad thing but when I start making decisions for others that’s when it goes down hill. Make choices for yourself and if you think its the right thing, then stick with it! Don’t change who you are just because you are worried that people won’t like you, if  they accept you then they will stay by your side.

  • Try The Simple Things 

There are a few little tricks that are so simple but can sometimes really help if you are stuck in a rut!

Simplicity is key here, so these things may seem obvious but they can be really beneficially:

Talk to people! It is so simple and can become really easy. I am one of those people who would much rather keep things to myself, as for some reason I don’t want to be seen as a drama queen or putting my problems on other people, but that is really not the case! I think a lot of people feel this way, but you need to remember that is what friends and family are for! I know if my friend or anyone was feeling like they needed to talk I would want them to come to me, so don’t be afraid and definitely don’t be embarrassed! I think it could surprise you how many people turn around and say they have felt the same way!

Write things down. Now this may sound bizarre but it is a really good way to help with worries. I am the type of person to have the most outrageous worries and the more I think about them the worse my anxiety gets, even if they make absolutely no sense! I found that writing down the worries I had and actually seeing them physically in front of me, I was able to rationalize how silly some of them were. I made a list and read through them, and having the worries on paper made them less intense and I actually ended up laughing at some!

Don’t be ashamed! This is so common for people to keep things to themselves and gets to a point where its a lot harder to do something about it. Luckily I have never gone that far, because I did something about it. I know it is so much easier said than done, and people are all different, but coming to terms with it makes it an easier thing to conquer. When you are able to except it and not be ashamed of the way you and so many people feel, you can begin to make a positive change. I know it is not as simple for some people, but as a starting point it could make an impact on your outlook.


The last thing and probably the post important! Is to surround yourself with things that make you happy!

Whether this be friends, family, food anything! The more your place your self in positive situations and surround your self you will begin to draw off this! For me it comes from being around friends and arranging things to do, I am able to bounce off them and enjoy living in the moment!


Hope this helps anyone who is feeling a little down! As I said everyone is different but I found these routes really help and got me feeling a little more like myself 🙂


BeautyBrown x